Hide & Seek Pals: Kupcake the Kitten

Check It Out
Ages 3+
black and white plush kitten with a green and black wand

Have someone hide Kupcake, and your child will use the Seeker Wand to track it with a sound only the the animal can "hear." When Kupcake hears the sound, it'll call out MEOW! Listen closely and hunt around to be the first to find where it is hiding. Plush animal is 9" high. 

*this item has a 14 day checkout period

  • 1 Kupcake the Kitten pal
  • 1 seeker wand

Library of Things Borrowing Guidelines

Borrowers must:

  • have a valid CAFÉ library card in good standing.
  • understand and sign a liability waiver (if required).
  • checkout and return items to the NBPL circulation desk (not drop boxes).
  • transport and use materials responsibly.