Udemy offers nearly 20,000 on-demand online video learning courses that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Learn programming, marketing, business skills, personal hobbies, and more. Each library has their own unique URL to access Udemy. There is also an app, called Udemy Business.
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Setting Up the App
Download the Udemy Business app from the App Store or Play Store.
Open the Udemy Business app and enter gale.udemy.com as the name of your organization’s account.
Under Find Your Institution, choose Public Library. Search for and select New Berlin Public Library.
- Enter your library barcode to sign in.
Finding Courses
Browse Gale Presents: Udemy’s home page for suggested courses, or jump back into your current courses.
Search for courses of interest or click Categories to browse for courses by subject area.
Select a course to view what you’ll learn, course requirements, and a course description.
- Click Enroll Now to begin accessing the course content.
Accessing Content
- After enrolling, access your Gale Presents: Udemy courses on-demand whenever and wherever you want to learn.
Utilize Course Content to take the course in order, or access specific portions based on your preferences and needs.
View an Overview and Announcements from your instructor beneath the course videos.
Use Bookmarks to mark and return to specific spots within videos.
Complete all course content to receive a certificate of completion.
Things to Know
Courses range from beginner to advanced levels.
You can enroll in multiple courses and there’s no completion time limit.
Most course videos include closed captioning.
Many courses include assignments, quizzes, and other activities.
- Filters allow you to find courses with your preferred characteristics.