Book Connections

Enriching every child’s reading experience. Includes author interviews, lesson plans & interactive activities, discussion guides, and more to support literacy instruction.
Enriching every child’s reading experience. Includes author interviews, lesson plans & interactive activities, discussion guides, and more to support literacy instruction.
Learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of young children. Available through BadgerLink.
Learning resource collection tailored to the unique needs of PreK-2 students and educators. Available through BadgerLink.
Level-appropriate reference articles, journals and magazines, the websites, multimedia, and curriculum content. Available through
Level-appropriate reference articles, journals and magazines, the websites, multimedia, and curriculum content. Available through BadgerLink.
Level-appropriate reference articles, journals and magazines, the websites, multimedia, and curriculum content. Available through BadgerLink.
Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, Points of View Reference Source provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analy
Full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. Available through BadgerLink.
Includes in-studio movies of authors and illustrators, audio excerpts of book readings, guides to thousands of titles and multimedia resources on children’s and young adult literature. Available through BadgerLink.